首页 > 文章资讯 > 游戏攻略 > 这是我的地盘(这是我的地盘用英语怎么说韦德)


作者:98软件园小编 来源:98软件园 时间:2024-04-05 10:39:13




  1. 自由配置建筑:建筑有利于城市的各项指标,了解各项指标后,自由配置建筑。(建议建成相同等级建筑)
  2. 自行加速:自行加速可节省大量时间。新手建议也可以先尝试一下,之后判断是否购买加速道具。



  1. 随时升级:在城池建设上增加兵种等级是其基础基石,升级兵种会随之提高战斗力。
  2. 英雄养成:养成强力英雄是提高战斗力的必由之路。
  3. 布阵有方:合适的布阵是赢得胜利的重要因素。



  1. 充当游戏基础:资源是游戏进行的基础,在建城、建筑、升级防御设施、生产兵种、野外占领中都需要各种资源。
  2. 工匠祝福:可以让你在短时间内获得更多的资源。
  3. 一键收获:在采集资源时按下一键收获能极大的方便管理。




Are you a fan of the Chinese game "这是我的地盘" (This Is My Territory) and struggling to advance to the next level? This game is all about gaining territories by placing your characters strategically and building walls to protect yourself. In this game, you have to outsmart your opponents and conquer their territory. In this article, we will provide you with a game guide on how to dominate the game and achieve success.

1. Understanding the Game Mechanics

The first step to being a successful player in "这是我的地盘" is understanding the mechanics of the game. The game is based on the concept of claiming territories and protecting them from your opponents. To claim a territory, you have to move your character to an empty space on the board. Once you occupy the space, you can build walls around it to protect yourself. The game is won by the player who has the most territories at the end of the game.

2. Building a Defense

To protect yourself from your opponents, you need to build walls around your territories. Walls can be built by tapping on an empty space next to a territory. You can build up to four walls around each territory. Walls can also be destroyed by your opponents if they have more characters surrounding your territory. It is important to build your defense early on in the game to prevent your opponents from gaining an advantage.

3. Outsmarting Your Opponents

One of the key elements to winning in "这是我的地盘" is outsmarting your opponents. You can do this by trapping their characters and limiting their movements. You can also gain an advantage by occupying territories that are close to your opponent's territories. This will limit their movements and make it easier for you to gain control of the board. It is important to be strategic with your moves and think ahead to gain an advantage over your opponents.


Playing "这是我的地盘" can be challenging, but with these tips, you can become a successful player. Remember to understand the game mechanics, build a defense, and outsmart your opponents. By doing so, you will increase your chances of dominating the game and achieving success. So, get out there and claim your territory!