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作者:98软件园小编 来源:98软件园 时间:2024-04-05 19:22:46










Taliyah is a unique champion in League of Legends with the ability to manipulate the earth and control multiple areas on the map. This guide will provide an overview of Taliyah's abilities, strategies for laning, team fighting, and item builds.


Taliyah's passive ability, Rock Surfing, allows her to glide on worked ground for increased movement speed. Her Q, Threaded Volley, can be cast in a rapid-fire sequence to deal damage to enemies in a straight line. Her W, Seismic Shove, targets an enemy and throws them in a target direction dealing damage. Her E, Unraveled Earth, creates an area of persistent ground that slows enemy champions and erupts after a few seconds dealing damage. Finally, her ultimate, Weaver's Wall, creates a wall that travels across the map, blocking enemy movement and providing a unique path for allies.

Laning Phase

In the early game, Taliyah should focus on using her Q to clear waves and harass her opponent. Placing Unraveled Earth on worked ground can also provide slows as well as damage. When trading with enemy champions, Taliyah should use her Threaded Volley to poke them down and seal the deal with Seismic Shove. Taliyah can also use her ultimate Weaver's Wall to cut off enemy jungle paths and provide safety for herself and allies.

Team Fighting

When it comes to team fights, Taliyah's ultimate can be used to isolate and pick off enemy carries, or to reposition allies during fights. Taliyah's AOE damage on her Threaded Volley and Unraveled Earth can also provide consistent damage during team fights. Her Seismic Shove can also provide an important pick and cc for her team in fights. It is important for Taliyah to stay towards the back of her team during fights, using her abilities to provide distance damage until she can move in for the kill.

Item Builds

Taliyah benefits from building items with AP, Mana, and cooldown reduction. Some recommended items include Rod of Ages, Liandry's Torment, and Rylai's Crystal Scepter. A Zhonya's Hourglass can also provide much-needed protection in team fights. It is important for Taliyah to balance her damage with survivability to ensure she can stay in fights for as long as possible.

In summary, Taliyah is a powerful champion with unique abilities that allow her to control multiple areas on the map. In the laning phase, Taliyah should focus on poking with her Q and using Unraveled Earth for slows and zone control. During team fights, Taliyah can use her ultimate to isolate enemies and provide cc for her team. When building items, Taliyah should prioritize AP, mana, and cooldown reduction. Keep these strategies in mind when playing Taliyah to maximize her potential on the Rift.