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作者:98软件园小编 来源:98软件园 时间:2024-04-06 17:49:00

With the advent of technology, mobile games are getting more and more popular. Chinese games are particularly intriguing to the western world. One such game that has garnered a lot of interest is the Chinese input method game. The game is a combination of fun and learning, and involves typing Chinese characters on a constantly changing keyboard in order to score points. Through this game, players not only improve their typing speed but also learn new Chinese characters. This article aims to provide a detailed guide for players looking to ace the game.

Get Familiar with the Keyboard

The most important aspect of the game is the keyboard. The keyboard changes constantly which means you need to be familiar with its layout to score more points. Spend some time observing the characters on the keyboard before the game starts. Pay special attention to the location of common characters like "的" and "一".

Furthermore, practice with the keyboard. The more you practice, the more familiar you will get.

Learn New Characters

The main purpose of the game is boosting your typing ability, and in turn, acquire new Chinese characters. For players starting out, the game may seem difficult and daunting because they are not familiar with many of the characters on the keyboard. Therefore, it is necessary to learn new characters every day.

To learn new characters, use resources such as books, apps or websites. There are several resources that provide character exercises as part of their language learning curriculum. With time, you will learn new characters, and the more you learn, the easier the game becomes.

Focus on Speed

The game is all about speed. The longer you take, the fewer the points scored. Therefore, it is important to work on your typing speed. This can be done by typing regularly, increasing your accuracy and typing speeds. Practice some finger stretching and warm-up exercises before playing the game to prevent fatigue and improve dexterity.


Chinese input method games are great for language learning and improving typing speed. It may be intimidating for beginners, but with enough practice, anyone can succeed at it. Get familiar with the keyboard and learn new characters to improve your ability. Speed is key to achieving a high score, so practice often and improve your typing speed. By following the tips mentioned above, you can score big and learn more Chinese characters. Remember to enjoy the process and have fun!


When it comes to typing in Chinese, there are two types of characters: full-width (全角) and half-width (半角). Full-width characters take up the same amount of space as English letters, while half-width characters are narrower. This may seem like a small difference, but it can have a big impact on how your text looks and functions.

Full-width vs. Half-width - What's the Difference?

If you're familiar with typing in both Chinese and English, you may have noticed that the same key on your keyboard can produce characters of different widths. For example, pressing the Shift key and the number 2 key will produce the @ symbol in English, but in Chinese, it will produce a full-width ¥ (yuan) symbol.

The main difference between full-width and half-width characters is their appearance and the space they occupy on a screen or piece of paper. Full-width characters are wider and take up just as much space as English letters, while half-width characters are narrower and take up less space. This can be important when you're trying to fit text into a certain space, such as a form or a document.

When to Use Full-width Characters

Full-width characters are often used in Chinese text to give a more balanced and symmetrical appearance. They are also typically used for titles, headings, and other important text, as they stand out more and are easier to read. Full-width characters are also commonly used in online forums and social media, as they help to draw attention to posts and comments.

Another reason to use full-width characters is if you're typing in a program or application that only supports them. If you try to use half-width characters in these programs, you may encounter formatting issues or other problems.

When to Use Half-width Characters

While full-width characters are more common in Chinese text, there are times when you may want to use half-width characters instead. One situation is if you're typing in a constrained space, such as a form or a text message. In these cases, using half-width characters can help you fit more text into the limited space you have available.

Another reason to use half-width characters is if you're typing in a program or application that doesn't support full-width characters. In these situations, using full-width characters can result in formatting issues or garbled text.


Overall, the choice between full-width and half-width characters depends on a variety of factors, including the context of your text, the program or application you're using, and your personal preference. Understanding the differences between these two types of characters can help you make informed decisions about how to type in Chinese and ensure that your text looks and functions exactly as you want it to.